The following is 138 individual screen captures pasted together in to four huge images. This is the original Featured Seller interview posted on Etsy's site, as well as all the comments on the article, before Etsy started manipulating facts. Enjoy reading all this. I hope it was worth all the effort!

If you don't see anything below this text please wait a minute, and it should appear. I had to post it as several gigantic images that may take a second or two to load. Please be patient!
If you only see broken image links, you may have to switch browsers, as Firefox does not display all the images properly

*Note* There is a movement afoot, which needs the attention of every Etsy seller who is sick of being the handmade breadcrumb leading customers to a site full of FACTORY made and IMPORTED items. If you don't support Etsy's retooling of their definition of handmade, If you don't want to be a pawn in Etsy's game of leading customers to their site with shady marketing tactics, then join the movement!

Sign the Petition

For more information on this, or other ways to help, please contact me at

Join the Facebook group, and have your voice heard. We need your ideas and feedback on things!
A Handmade Fiasco
(These aren't all started or run by me, I'm just posting links here :)

If you would like to read the ammended article (read: lies) please follow this link.